Privacy policy

Welcome to ( a website by the Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ).


Page updated on August 12, 2024

The following describes the policy of Positive mental health rain or shine, a campaign of the Association pour la santé publique du Québec (ASPQ), regarding the confidentiality of personal information collected through the site (hereinafter referred to as "SITE").

What is personal information?

Personal information is information that directly or indirectly identifies you. For example, it could be your name, residential address or telephone number.

Information that is public, belongs to an organization or relates to the exercise of your profession or function within a company is not considered confidential personal information within the meaning of the law.

For more details on what constitutes personal information subject to the obligations of the law, consult the Commission d'accès à l'information page.

Contexts and purposes of personal information collection

Rain or shine sometimes collects and uses personal information in order to fulfill its mission and offer adapted tools and activities. This is not done without your knowledge!

This information is collected with your consent and is generally sent to us voluntarily (e.g. newsletter subscription form). Unless you give your consent, this information is strictly for the use of the Rain or shine team.

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected. We ask for your consent before using your information for other purposes.

You will find below details of situations and contexts in which information may be collected and for what purposes.

While browsing one of our websites

Rain or shine does not collect specific personal information about you simply by browsing our website. However, by browsing the website of Rain or shine or one of its affiliated projects, we use cookies to ensure the functionality of the website, to better understand users and thus improve the browsing experience and to provide relevant and adapted content. Rain or shine may also carry out statistical analyses of users behavior in order to assess interest in the various sections of the website and thus improve it.

When you enter the website, we ask for your consent to collect these cookies. Thereafter, you can modify your preferences regarding the cookies collected by modifying your configuration via the consent choices page.

To learn more about the cookies we use and how to modify your preferences, consult the Manage cookies tab at the bottom of the page.

When you access the Web site, certain other information is automatically collected, none of which identifies you personally. This includes the domain name and IP address you use to access the site, as well as your browser type (the software you use to surf the Internet) and operating system. This information is used for statistical purposes, to analyze access to the website and to help improve it.

By completing one of our online forms

In order to offer services and activities such as training registrations, Rain or shine offers online forms via Zoom, Google Forms or Microsoft. The information collected is the same as requested in the form.

We may collect your contact information (name, e-mail and telephone number), your field of employment and your food preferences or allergies.

In general, only Rain or shine will use this information for the purpose of organizing and managing an activity, organizational event or training. If other partner organizations or people outside Rain or shine need to consult this information, you will be informed on the form.

By e-mail

In order to respond to your request or comment, we have access to and use your e-mail address or any other contact information you leave us in your message. We may also have access to the identifying information you use and that is transmitted by your e-mail (e.g. name, photo or signature).  

By telephone

In order to respond to your request or comment, we collect and use your telephone number or any other information you give us or leave in the voice message.

Communicating via our social networks

Rain or shine is present on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram. Through these platforms, we collect certain information that enables us to respond to your request or comment and compile statistics and data to improve our content and services.

For example, we may collect your first name and profile name (username), reactions (e.g. "likes"), comments on publications, content shares or any other information you share with us in your message.

By subscribing to our newsletters

Rain or shine offers its subscribers and members newsletters via the "MailChimp" platform to keep them informed of organizational activities and new content and tools.

By subscribing, you consent to the collection of your e-mail address and to receiving e-mails containing the newsletter via the "MailChimp" platform. The information collected by MailChimp is also used to compile statistics on the newsletter and evaluate its effectiveness. 

You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the newsletter you receive.

By participating in one of our webinars, workshops or activities

We collect certain information in order to manage and organize the activity and services offered, as well as for statistical purposes and to send additional information related to the activity to participants who have expressed a desire to receive it. The information collected is the same as that contained in the form to be filled in or requested for registration purposes. In general, we collect your first name, last name and a means of contacting you (e-mail or telephone).

If you register as part of your employment, we may also ask for the name of your organization and your sector of employment for statistical purposes. 

By participating in a discussion group

As part of its projects, Rain or shine may organize focus groups with groups of the population and professionals in order to better understand certain public health issues and identify solutions and courses of action.

By taking part in such focus groups, Rain or shine provides you with the information you'll find on the form you'll need to fill in. This includes your name, contact information (e-mail and telephone), city or region of residence, age, gender, ethnic origin and certain information about your lifestyle. You are under no obligation to provide this information.

This information is used to organize discussion groups, to better understand people's needs and interests, to improve our content and to compile statistics on participation and trends.

By completing an online survey or evaluation

We collect certain information during surveys and evaluations in order to assess the relevance and impact of an activity, improve the content and services offered by Rain or shine, better understand and target the needs and interests of the population and, if necessary, recontact participants to better analyze the responses and suggestions submitted.

When you respond, Rain or shine collects certain information from the form you fill out. If you wish, you can choose whether to leave your contact information or not (e-mail address).

By participating in one of our organizational events

To properly manage the activity and event, compile participation statistics and inform you of upcoming events, we collect the information requested on the registration form, such as your name, e-mail or telephone number, food preferences or allergies and certain information relating to your profession (employer, title or position).

If a participation fee is required, we will also ask for your payment information (name, address, credit card number or cheque). 

Working with Rain or shine as part of your job or as a partner

Rain or shine regularly collaborates with organizational and professional partners as part of its activities. If you collaborate with Rain or shine as part of your professional duties, your contact information (name, e-mail, telephone number, employer, etc.) will be collected in order to better organize and manage the project you are collaborating on. This information will also be used to keep you informed of developments in subjects that interest you, and to ensure follow-up.

By becoming a partner in the Maison de la Santé durable

The ASPQ is home to several non-profit organizations whose missions and activities also contribute to sustainable health in Quebec, including the Rain or shine team.

To ensure the organization of workspaces and follow-ups of a social, organizational or professional nature as a partner within the MSD (Maison de la Santé durable), we collect information such as the name of the organization and the person in charge, e-mail, telephone, title and function, etc.  

When you apply for a job with the ASPQ

In order to analyze your application and follow up with you, we collect information about you from the documents (CV, cover letter and e-mail message) you send us. This includes your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, professional experience, etc. 

Retention and protection of personal information

Protecting your privacy and your personal information is important to us! That's why we implement a variety of administrative, IT and physical measures to ensure your security:

  • We take all reasonable steps to ensure that our web, cloud and computer environments are protected and secure;
  • Certain internal documents containing more sensitive personal information, or which do not need to be open to everyone, are locked by passwords for the strict use of the person concerned;
  • Only information that is useful and relevant to the mission and activities of Rain or shine is collected;
  • Only people who need your personal information for their work have access to it;

Despite these measures, incidents of confidentiality may occur. In such cases, we take diligent measures to reduce the risk of damage and prevent recurrence.

In the event of such an incident presenting a serious and grave risk, we must usually inform you and the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec.

Servers outside Quebec

Certain personal information collected by Rain or shine is stored on servers located outside Quebec. We take reasonable and diligent steps to ensure that this information is protected in accordance with applicable laws.

Destruction of personal information

We retain your information for a limited time and only when necessary. Personal information is retained only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or as otherwise required by law.

Personal information is destroyed or made anonymous when it is no longer required.

Disclosure of personal information to third parties

Without your express prior consent, personal information collected by Rain or shine remains strictly for the use of Rain or shine and its affiliated projects (Rain or shine staff members) and agents, if any.

We may share some of your information with third parties only as necessary to conduct our business and to fulfill the purposes for which the information was collected as described in this Policy.

These third parties are mainly agents or external parties such as our service providers, some of whom are specified in this Policy, in the Cookie Management Policy and in the terms of use of this Web site. These representatives or agents have been instructed to comply with this Privacy Policy.

Where applicable, these third parties are also mentioned in the information collection and consent forms we ask you to complete.

Rain or shine may also disclose personal information if we are legally required to do so or if we believe, in good faith, that such disclosure is necessary to (1) comply with any applicable law, regulation or legal process; (2) protect and defend our rights and interests or those of our users; (3) protect against unauthorized use of the website; or (4) protect the personal safety or interests of our users or the general public.

Links to other websites

As stated in the Terms of Use, the website may contain links to websites operated by third parties ("OTHER SITES"). Activating these links may cause you to leave the Rain or shine web environment. Rain or shine has no control over OTHER SITES and the existence of these links in no way engages its responsibility. Any information you transmit to these OTHER SITES will be subject to their respective privacy policies and practices. Rain or shine declines all responsibility for any incidents or abuses that may result.

Risks related to the use of the Internet

Despite the precautions taken by Rain or shine to ensure that a third party will not have access to your personal information via the website, it is possible that such leaks may occur. The Internet offers no guarantee of security, and the transfer of information over the Internet is therefore subject to possible interception, loss or alteration.

Rain or shine declines all responsibility for damages resulting from possible access by third parties, via the Internet, to the personal information of website members, who use the website at their own risk. It is also the user's responsibility to ensure that his or her equipment is adequately protected when surfing the Internet.

Personal information and privacy rights

Quebec law provides users and beneficiaries of services with rights relating to personal information. To this end, you may:

- Access the personal information we hold about you;

- Rectify or update your personal information;

- Withdraw your consent to the use or disclosure of your personal information by Rain or shine;

- To file a complaint in accordance with the prescribed process.

All requests related to these rights can be sent by e-mail to: Your request will be handled according to our internal administrative processes.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Rain or shine reserves the right to modify this policy, in particular to comply with any legislative or regulatory amendments and to adapt it to organizational and business changes at the ASPQ.

Questions or complaints

If you have any questions about this Policy, or if you wish to report a privacy incident or file a complaint, you may contact the senior administrator of Rain or shine, who is responsible for the protection of Rain or shine’s personal information storage:

Rain or shine’s senior administrator can be reached by e-mail at

Your inquiry or complaint will be handled in accordance with our internal administrative processes.