Only available in French

Asking for help

Asking for help is a daunting challenge that relies on several skills still under development in adolescence: identifying and processing complex emotions, then expressing them while coping with significant obstacles such as the fear of others' judgment and the fear of being misunderstood. Talking about asking for help is essential to destigmatize mental health and prepare teens to manage everyday challenges and situations of adversity.

This guide offers activities that accompany students to:
  • Demystify the many ways of asking for help.
  • Reflect on the obstacles to asking for help.
  • Identify helpful strategies and recognize their own ability to ask for help.
  • Learn about available resources.
Source : Tel-jeunes

Scientific validation

  • Professional or practical knowledge

Stage of the process

  • Plan actions
  • Carry out actions

School grades


  • School setting


  • Group


  • Between 10 and 30 mins



Personal and social skills

Targeted community


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